How you can express your views
Your views are important to us: we’re always keen to hear your questions, comments and concerns.
Speak with the class teacher
There are three opportunities across the year for parents to meet with the class teacher. Formal parents’ evenings are held in the autumn, spring and summer terms. However, informal meetings can be more effective. We encourage parents of all our pupils to keep in close contact with the school – it’s nearly always possible to speak with the class teacher for a moment or two before or after school, and a longer discussion can be arranged within a day or two. These meetings can be arranged if you have specific concerns or would like to know more about how to support your child.
Speak to the headteacher/ Deputy headteacher
As well as speaking to the class teacher, Mrs Baker / Mrs Short will provide you with an overview of your child’s learning (we are responsible for tracking the attainment and progress of all children in school) as well as talk about ways to support you and your child. She treats all feedback sensitively and appropriately – your feedback is one of the ways we can keep getting better and better.
Put your views in writing
St. Gabriel’’s is always keen to hear the views of parents. We often ask parents to complete surveys at Parents Evenings or questionnaires about curriculum areas in the same way we do with the children in school. We are grateful for the many parents who take the time to complete these. If you’ve got some feedback for us, we’d like to hear from you. You could send us an email or a short note. You can contact the school office or Mrs Baker / Mrs Short through [email protected]
Contact Ofsted
Parent Views give parents the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of our school. Parent View asks questions on 12 aspects relating to the school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. The information provided is used by Ofsted in making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.
If you would like to express your views you may access the Parent View website.