Personal Development

At St Gabriel’s  we not only aim to be helping to shape our children’s lives, but give children the confidence, resilience and tools to change ‘their own’ lives and engage with society.

This emphasis on empowerment and pupils taking responsibility for their own actions, choices and development runs throughout the curriculum and beyond.


Below are some examples of the opportunities a pupil at St Gabriel’s will have to support their personal development.

Dimension Example
Developing responsible, respectful and active citizens
  • Clear expectations in place with rewards and natural consequences.
  • Pupil Voice
  • Opportunities to engage with the local community and environment.
  • Promotion of responsible behaviour such as recycling, conservation and charity.
  • Opportunities to engage with charitable organisations and events – such as supporting local food banks.
  • Initiatives in place by the anti-bullying co-ordinator to promote positive behaviour and challenge negative actions..
  • Staggered start to the school day with mindfulness activities, after-school clubs and Wellbeing afternoons.
Developing and deepening understanding of fundamental British values
  • Regular school assemblies focussing on British Values.
  • Posters and displays around school highlighting British Values.
  • Curriculum opportunities to promote British Values.
  • Pupil Voice as a democratic process to promote change.


Promoting equality of opportunity so that pupils thrive together
  • Differentiation of the curriculum so it is accessible to all.
  • Effective use of risk assessments so inclusivity is promoted.
  • Differentiation of activities to enable accessibility.
  • Residential trips.


Understand that difference is positive, not negative and that individual characteristics make people unique
  • Celebration of differences through focused weeks such as Neurodiversity week; Autism Awareness week; Deaf awareness week; Black history month; Anti-bullying week; Mental Health awareness week.
  • Positive role modelling by staff, with negative behaviours and comments challenged.
  • Individual and group work on understanding pupils diagnoses.
  • Recognition of the achievements of individuals who have a special educational need or disability e.g. TV personalities, entrepreneurs, ex-pupils.
  • Visits from external speakers.
  • Individual and group work from SALT and OT.
  • Recognise the positive achievements of characters in history and literature with differences.
Promote an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all pupils irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation
  • Clear expectations of pupils.
  • Active promotion of inclusivity and understanding of protected characteristics through posters, display boards, assemblies and PSHE/ Life skills curriculum.
  • Exploit opportunities in the curriculum such as History, RE, English to re-inforce inclusive practice.
  • Positive role modelling by staff, with negative behaviours and comments challenged.
  • High aspirations for all pupils, with staff actively supporting pupils to overcome perceived or real barriers to success.
Develop pupils’ character defined as a set of positive personal traits, dispositions and virtues that informs motivation and guides their conduct
  • Use of One Page Profile to identify strengths and support mechanisms.
  • Use of resolutions to reflect on behaviour and choices..
  • Focus on charity days/ charitable organisations.
  • Opportunities to engage with local community and charity projects.
  • Individual and group work from SALT and OT.
  • Positive role modelling by staff, with negative behaviours and comments challenged.
  • Positive and meaningful feedback given to pupils.
  • Weekly celebration assembly.
  • Recognise the effects and impact of anti-social behaviour through active discussion, PSHE curriculum and external speakers.


Develop confidence, resilience and knowledge so they can keep themselves mentally healthy.
  • Use of One Page Profile to identify strengths and support mechanisms.
  • Team building activities during lunchtime activities, after-school clubs and Wellbeing afternoons.
  • Residential trips.
  • Individual and group work from SALT and OT.
  • Advice and support from Educational Psychologist.
  • Opportunities throughout the curriculum to experience success through careful differentiation.
  • Opportunities throughout the curriculum to experience failure in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Focus on positive mental health through posters, displays.
  • Positive relationships with key members of staff to provide opportunities to talk and co-regulate.
  • Active promotion of independent working.
  • Use of resolutions and de-briefs to reflect on choices.


Enable pupils to recognise online and offline risks to their safety e.g. risks from CSE, domestic abuse, FGM, forced marriage, substance misuse, gang activity, radicalisation, extremism and the support available to them
  • Regular promotion of online safety through focus days and weeks – such as safer internet week, cyber-bulling.
  • Internet safety policy
  • Clear expectations for pupils.
  • Active promotion of how to stay safe online through posters, displays and assemblies.
  • All staff aware of Keeping Children Safe in Education, PREVENT and CHANEL and safeguarding procedures.
  • Active discussion (at an age and stage appropriate level) through PSHE and Life skills curriculum.
  • External speakers


Develop understanding of how to keep physically healthy


  • PE curriculum differentiated to enable access to all pupils..
  • Lunchtime activities include physical opportunities.
  • After-school clubs
  • Pupils have regular access to movement breaks throughout the day.
  • Wellbeing afternoons include a range of physical activities.
  • Healthy eating and maintaining physical health actively promoted throughout school through posters, display boards, PSHE, life skills, science and PE curriculum.
  • Healthy eating choices available at lunchtime.
  • School provided water bottles and water coolers.
Develop age appropriate understanding of healthy relationships
  • PSHE,  and RSE  curriculum.
  • Individual and group work with the school counsellor
  • Active promotion of what healthy relationships look like by positive modelling of staff.