School Uniform
St Gabrielβs take pride in how smart our children look. Our uniform provides us with a family identity and a commitment to school.
EYFS β Nursery and Reception
- Grey Jogging bottoms
- Blue Polo Shirt
- Navy School Jumper or Cardigan
- Trainers or School shoes
- No Tie
Key Stage 1 β Years 1 and 2
- Grey School trousers. Skirt or Dress
- Blue Shirt
- Navy school jumper or cardigan
- Black school shoes
- Grey, white or black tights or socks
- No Tie
Key Stage 2 – Years 3,4,5 and 6
- Grey School trousers, Skirt or dress
- Blue Shirt
- Navy school Jumper or Cardigan
- Black school shoes
- Grey, white or black tights or socks
- Regular School Tie
PE Kit – White T-Shirt, Navy/Black shorts and suitable trainers. In the colder months children can wear navy/black tracksuit tops and bottoms.
A full range of uniform can be bought from Lollipops, 20 Norfolk Place, Berwick Hills, Middlesbrough,TS3 7PA -01642 225827 .
Nail Varnish/Make-up
Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish or make up of any kind.
Hair Styles
It is advised to keep long hair tied back. Your child must not have patterns shaved into their hair. Braids are not permitted.
For health and safety reasons children are not permitted to wear any jewellery, including all types of earrings.