
The science teaching at St.Gabriel’s School encourages each pupil to develop within their capabilities, as well as increasing pupil confidence so that they are able to use scientific vocabulary enthusiastically and appropriately. We believe science stimulates and excites children’s curiosity in an inquisitive nature throughout their time with us and beyond. A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific areas of biology, chemistry and physics.  We believe the study of Science will enable pupils to appreciate the world, people and the universe around them. We are continually aiming to raise the standards of achievement of the pupils in Corpus Christi Primary School.

Science Overview

The science teaching at St.Gabriel’s School encourages each pupil to develop within their capabilities, as well as increasing pupil confidence so that they are able to use scientific vocabulary enthusiastically and appropriately. We believe science stimulates and excites children’s curiosity in an inquisitive nature throughout their time with us and beyond. A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific areas of biology, chemistry and physics. We believe the study of Science will enable pupils to appreciate the world, people and the universe around them. We are continually aiming to raise the standards of achievement of the pupils in St.Gabriel’s Primary School.


Science is mapped effectively across the school to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Science. To support this, we have carefully chosen the CUSP curriculum structure. CUSP Science pays close attention to guidance provided by the National Curriculum sequence and content. It aims to develop scientific knowledge through Biology, Chemistry and Physics. It is infused with evidence-led practice and enriched with retrieval studies to ensure long-term retention of foundational knowledge. The foundations of CUSP science are cemented in the EYFS through learning within the Natural World, and People, Culture and Communities. The ambitious interpretation of the National Curriculum places knowledge, vocabulary, working and thinking scientifically at the heart of our principles, structure and practice.

Our science curriculum is delivered through a series of modules which are deliberately spaced throughout the academic year with opportunities to introduce and revisit key concepts. This approach enables staff to deepen pupil understanding and embed learning.

Our curriculum maps clearly show how our CUSP curriculum delivers (introduces and revisits) the National Curriculum expectations for science within and across year groups.

Below is our long-term plan for Science across the year.



At St.Gabriel’s School, Science is taught across each year in modules that enable pupils to  study in depth key scientific understanding, skills and vocabulary. Each module aims to activate and build  upon prior learning, including EYFS, to ensure better cognition and retention. Each module is carefully  sequenced to enable pupils to purposefully layer learning from previous sessions to facilitate the acquisition  and retention of key scientific knowledge. Each module is revisited either later in the year or in the following year as part of a spaced retrieval practice method to ensure pupils retain key knowledge and information. 

The Big Ideas 

At St. Gabriel’s we emphasise the big ideas with the children at the beginning of  every module.

Prior learning 

We ensure in each module the National Curriculum Objectives are outlined and how these links to prior  learning are evident at the beginning of every module. For example, below is an example of a year 1 module  and how the learning builds upon ELGs. 

Development of Scientific skills 

As well as ensuring pupils are taught key knowledge, each module is designed to offer pupils the opportunity  to undertake scientific enquiries and develop their skills as a Scientist in asking questions, planning and  carrying out experiments, collecting and analysing information and drawing conclusions. The working  scientifically objectives are clearly displayed on each of our science modules for both Key Stage 1 and Key  Stage 2. It is clear which of the objectives are being taught throughout a specific module which ensures full  coverage and allows for skills to be built upon. 

Below is an example of Year 1 – Animals including Humans.

 Below is an example of Year 4- Animals including Humans- Teeth, digestion and food chains.

Teachers use the year group progression of disciplinary knowledge documents to highlight which working  like a scientist objectives have been taught in each topic. (Example of Year 1 provision map)


Tailoring for SEND 

At St.Gabriel’s Primary School we aim for all science lessons and learning questions to be accessible to all  pupils. Pre-teaching of scientific vocabulary provides all children with the opportunity to demonstrate an  understanding of subject specific language. The use of dual coded Knowledge Notes and Organisers  provide visuals to aid understanding and recall. In addition, knowledge notes are utilised in all lessons to  minimise cognitive overload, so children can use and apply their knowledge more easily. Sentence stems  can be used where necessary to aid with written evidence. 

Investigation Areas 

Children in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 have access to investigation areas around school or in their classrooms. These  are changed regularly and encourage independent hands-on explorations. This encourages the children to  think scientifically and develop their vocabulary. 

Oracy and writing  

When discussing their findings or presenting information, pupils are encouraged to speak using full sentences  and incorporating key scientific vocabulary. This is modelled by teachers e.g. using my turn, your turn. Pupils  are expected to write across all areas of the curriculum with teachers modelling how to write purposefully in  each subject. 

Extracurricular activities

Children across the school have the opportunity to participate in science and clubs throughout the  school year. This enables children to explore their curiosity within the subject and participate in more hands on activities and experiences.  

Intended Impact  

  • Pupils use acquired vocabulary in science lessons  
  • Pupils will gain resilience when tackling problems  
  • Pupils will confidently talk about science and their learning  
  • Pupils will have access to lessons that use a variety of resources to support learning 
  • The % of pupils working at ARE within each year group will be at least in line with national averages 
  • The % of pupils working at Greater Depth within each year group will be at least in line with national  averages  
  • There will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g disadvantaged vs  non-disadvantaged)